This download has, at present, been thoroughly tested. This means that you need to go through some extra effort such as downloading the torrent yourself as, sadly, cracks always work for very specific versions of specific releases. Don’t worry however, I’m here with you every step of the way! Now these steps may seem long, but I promise they’re not difficult and will, ultimately, reward you with what you want. Following numerous inquiries for a crack for a Mac version of Photoshop CC, here we go! Important note before we start: I, myself, am not a Mac user in any way and have no access to any MacOS system therefore I’m entirely dependent on friends and people using this crack to inform me when things are amiss or when it’s not longer working accurately (and that when they do, they specify so that I know more of what’s going on).Īlright, so this is a bit more complicated than the Windows version due to the rather overly intense securities that Macs possess which make cracking a very tedious process.